For long term, pack it and forget it food storage (freeze dried 25+year storage) Costco often has good buys, and LDS pantry has shelf stable dry goods packed in number 10 cans at a fair price. They are a bit more expensive then buying and packing food yourself but it comes all done for long term storage. All item are dry goods and dehydrated (not freeze dried) and shipping is $3 flat. Good luck with the storms.


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Thank you! I've heard of the LDS pantry before on someone's YouTube. I'll have to check it out.

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Great article. Part II would be nice :)

I started prepping in late 2020 and spent quite some money on the bug out bag, another bag for the car, wilderness survival and gun courses. In retrospect this things should be last on the list imo, alongside with buying little pieces of gold and silver(which is now lower than in 2020 when I bought lol). I was listening to Schiff mostly and thought the world would end in 2021 and it certainly looked that way for the unvxed here in EU. Buying the berkey water filter back then paid off tho as it's 35% more expensive now.

Looking back at it now it would be much wiser to start with a proper food pantry prep but it's hard for me since I'm on keto so mostly eat just eggs, meat & veggies. So now I bought little extra freezer and ecoflow powerbank/generator to keep it running along with a nice outdoor coal & gas grills to cook it all.

Also I can't imagine not having a secondary heat source during this winter being in EU. I expect rolling blackouts & electricity problems so having a wood stove or secondary gas system or something will probably pay off. I hear they sell woodstoves in Germany like crazy (source Survival Lily on youtube). I follow Canadian prepper the most and like him a lot. He also follows George Gammon. Also Daisy on the organic prepper website is cool.

Anyhow, I tried a few drills with my gf the other day how would a power outage look like and we added in a few things like lights/lanterns and so on as candles just suck but now we're ready and it didn't take that much time and effort and I sleep a lot better knowing I'm prepared. Most people will get totally blindsided.

Just sharing my experince

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