The 1522 dollars you called the premium was a tax CREDIT, not a premium. As stated below the credit, your premium would be determined after completing the application. Also, I would never recommend anyone ever going for "wellness" checkups. All unnecessary tests cost money and are nothing but fishing expeditions for doctors to get you to take more pharaceuticals. I agree we are a nation of sick people-- that no one in the current medical system can tackle because the system is not set up to address life-style changes. That requires an approach that a system designed to move people in and out rapidly with quick symptom amelioration can't address. In the end the person is responsible for their health. Not doctors. That can mean changing diets, jobs, exercising, stopping drugs(legal and illegal), changing belief systems for starters. Things, most Americans don't want to bother with if they can swallow a pill or take an injection instead.

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So true! Mammograms, as just one example, find lumps that most often wouldn't turn into cancer, causing women to undergo treatments they don't need. Plus, who needs regular radiation "treatments"?

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Agreed! "Wellness" checkups are typically only opportunities to "find" something wrong and put a person on a pill or a shot. And, I have never met anyone yet whose "doctor" didn't find something wrong or "concerning" with them at a "wellness check". If a person is eating the best they can, getting a bit of exercise, clean water, fresh air... there shouldn't be a reason for a "wellness check". For those who do swear by them, please, at least go to a naturopath (you will probably have to pay out of pocket) who will spend some time with you and won't pull out their prescription pad as soon as you walk in the door.

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#1- Do not inject yourself or your children with synthetic poisons that will vaporize your immune system.

That RFK is seen as some sort of "radical" or is considered to be "too out there" isn't because he is either of those rather it is because the entire politburo and media system of the US is in the stranglehold of the corporate medical cartel which keeps the conversation going in the direction they want it to go.

That the conversation stays on the fringes of "making vaccines safe" is illustrative of how completely insane the entire discussion is. "Kinder, gentler" poisons for the kids. That's the extent of the "allowable dissent" and this is simply unacceptable.

The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is beyond the scope of my imagination.

Sometimes I think the conversations we have around the edges serve to confuse. All vaccines are highly toxic and should be banned.

Point blank they are poison- all of them. Children are being injected with poisons by the individual who is suppose to be watching out for their health. It's pretty wild when you think about it.

The barbarism of this industrial practice will cause people to shake their heads and wonder, "why did those people poison their children?

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It's easier and easier to spot who the control opposition is these days. Anyone that promotes compromising with the current system in any way or form is at best a useful idiot and at worst a psyop operative. Give them some small bits of truths, that they are so starved for, so you can later sell them even bigger lies. One more stack to be removed from my list.

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This may be true, but banning them is certainly too much to ask when we've just reached the point that about half the population opposes some sort of mandates for at least some of them.

I see the role of the new HHS secretary - be it RFK Jr or someone else who will have a similar point of view, if a much lower profile - as a big move in the right direction roward transparency, disclosure, and sound science. Once the truth gets out to more people, the rest will come of its own accord and build momentum rapidly.. And that is what terrrifies those who are profiteering off this mass poisoning.

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I almost didn't read this article. I already KNOW Bobby cannot singlehandedly fix a system as cataclysmically broken as the US sick-care system. That said, this article is a tour de force of insight and information! Bookmarked. Restacked. Shared.

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Maybe Caroline Kennedy is taking Ozempic and that’s why her face looks like it does? She certainly hasn’t aged well.

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Nice summing up, thank you.

I would also add that grounding to the earth can have a multitude of benefits, not limited to a nearly 4x increase in red blood cell velocity, with a corresponding decrease in rbc clumping.

Make sure to use a 'clean' grounding source, certainly not by using house-ground from the sockets.


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The ground from a socket is, if done correctly, connected directly to a ground rod driven into the earth so it should also be good.

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True, it is connected to a grounding rod. The problem is, when used for purpose, dirty electricity may enter via those appliances that use the earth. Else from direct capacitive coupling from the live/neutral wires it is close to.

I would anyway recommend using a small rod (6" or so) driven into the earth. Though, I get this is hard/impossible if in a high rise flat. In that case, grounding to the water supply may be a better option.

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As a new subscriber I’m blown away by your pieces. Unfortunately I found out this week RFK Jr is one of “them.” He’s highly invested in mRNA tech. Check out the comments. 😤


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