One Second After: Lessons in Survival from an EMP Blast
While attending a mastermind group meeting & goals setting conference several weeks ago, I discussed my recently discovered interest in preparedness & disaster planning with my friends. Several of my friends inquired as to whether I had read the book “One Second After”. I admit, I have heard of the book but I didn’t read it until this week. Wow! There are some key takeaways from this book that I believe are important to share with my fellow Warriors. Before I do that however, if you are unfamiliar with Electromagnetic Pulses or Coronal Mass Ejections, check out my previous Substack article on the subject here.
Image Credit: PBS
William Forstchen's gripping novel, "One Second After," paints a bleak but realistic picture of America plunged into chaos after a devastating EMP attack. While the story is fiction, the lessons it teaches about preparedness are anything but. So, grab your bug-out bag & bunker down, because today we're dissecting the key EMP survival tips from this post-apocalyptic thriller.
1. Stockpile Supplies – The 3 B's: Beans, Bullets, and Band-Aids:
Forget fancy gadgets, the first rule of EMP survival is basic necessities. Food, water, medicine, & tools should be your top priority. The book emphasizes a minimum of 3 months' worth of non-perishables, but aim for longer if possible. Don't neglect tools for repair, hygiene, & self-defense – remember, your smartphone won't call the cavalry in this scenario. Some specifics include:
Anesthetic & Sterilization Liquids such as alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, bleach
Antibiotics (you can get them via telemedicine here)
Pain Killers from aspirin to the strong stuff, you may not want to ever throw these away even if they’re “expired”
Feminine Hygiene Products & Birth Control Methods
Baby wipes, hand sanitizing wipes, bathing wipes to stay clean & preserve water.
Medication to fight diseases such as influenza, hepatitis, tetanus, salmonella/food-borne illness, & typhoid fever.
Medication you rely on a daily basis such as insulin, heart medication, medications to treat mental illness (you can get extras via your doctor or telemedicine if your doctor/insurance won’t participate/cooperate)
Medical supplies such as sutures, rubber or non-latex gloves, gauze, bandages, masks, goggles, alcohol prep pads, medical tape, skin staplers, wound irrigation syringes, disposable scalpels, medical scissors, splints of various sizes, burn gel, skin glue, tourniquets, chest seals, large disposable sheets/abdominal pads/gurney pads, blood clot powders
Vitamins of all kinds which may aid in filling in the gaps for nutritional deficiencies
Water & water sterilization methods
Toilet paper & waste disposal methods
Pet Food
Good Shoes & Hiking Boots
Batteries of all kinds
Heirloom Seeds
Firearms especially 22 caliber & shotguns & plenty of ammunition to go with them
Home Defense early warning & fortification devices to include traps, non-electronic razor/barbed wire & natural shrubbery methods
Food of all types such as a mass stock of dry goods; beans, rice, bullion, powdered milk, powdered butter, potato flakes, protein powder, freeze-dried foods, canned goods, & ready-to-eat MRE’s.
2. Ditch the Grid: Think Beyond Electronics:
One Second After shows how reliant we are on electricity. Radios, cars, even basic lighting – all rendered useless. Invest in alternative sources like solar panels, hand-crank radios, and good old-fashioned candles. Learn basic skills like first aid, fire-starting, and food preservation, because your tech toys won't save you during a prolonged blackout. Some specifics include:
Fuels of all types to include; propane, butane, diesel, wood, chafing fuel, & gasoline.
Indoor stove & cooktops that run on propane or chafing fuel. Potential raiders may detect you have a food supply if you cook outdoors.
Ignition sources such as waterproof matches, matches, lighters, fire starters, ferro rods, flint & steel.
Lighting of all types to include candles, headlamps, flashlights which may be powered via solar, batteries, or hand crank. You may want to consider road flares or boating flares for emergency rescue purposes.
Alternative transportation methods such as a bicycle, skateboard, or rollerblades/skates. Older non-electronic reliant vehicles (the book suggested pre-1980), tractors, Jeeps, & vans.
Alternative moving methods such as hand carts, wheel barrows, sleds, or trailers.
3. Community Counts: Build Your Tribe:
Humans are social creatures, and isolation thrives in chaos. The book showcases the importance of community in rebuilding society. Build relationships with your neighbors, learn their skills, and create a support network. Remember, your survival could depend on having someone to watch your back when the lights go out.
Key Skills include medical professionals, phone/communications repair, lineman, steam engine repair/creation, chemists, dentists, farmers, & homesteaders.
Those with key skills & higher aptitude for productive work received more rations
Those with military or law enforcement skills often become leaders & instill law & order
Those with medical skills will assist with triage, wound care, & disease mitigation.
Farmers must ensure a breeding stock is maintained & have protection from raiders
Some may have more suitable land than others for gardening. If you have heirloom seeds & are willing to put in the labor, you may take part in the community garden.
4. Knowledge is Power: Arm Yourself with Information:
In a world without the internet, knowledge becomes its own currency. Learn basic farming techniques, animal husbandry, and wilderness survival skills. The book highlights the importance of physical books and printed materials as repositories of forgotten knowledge. Don't underestimate the power of a well-stocked library in a world without Google. Some specifics include:
Maps of all kinds to include; road atlas’, topographical maps of your area, pre-downloaded maps on an old phone (if was stored in faraday bag)
Compass, binoculars, & land navigation aids
Books on homesteading, gardening, canning, food preservation, edible wild plants, & most importantly the Survival Medicine Handbook
Understand how to handle waste, biohazards, the deceased & those with diseases. Learn proper sterilization (even with basic raw materials like fire) & quarantine procedures.
Photo Credit: CNN
5. Adapt or Die: Embrace the "New Normal":
One Second After shows how quickly society crumbles after a major disruption. Be prepared to adapt to a radically different way of life. This may include bartering, learning new skills, & even adopting a more self-sufficient lifestyle. Remember, the old rules won't apply in the post-EMP world, so be ready to rewrite the script. You may have to put on your big boy pants & do some surgery, bury the dead, or triage the wounded. You may want to expose yourself to high-pressure tactical situations now so you don’t go code black if/when the SHTF.
Martial law & rationing is important to establish early on. The book highlights if the people are left unchecked or without leadership, there is no sense of ‘future’ & all is depleted with no foresight. Set the ground rules before a major catastrophe happens, even if it’s within your own familial unit. Designate a first & second in command based on life experience & skill set.
Preparedness is essential. Having barter items that you may not even use on a day-to-day basis such as cigarettes, alcohol, ammunition of all types, & firearms & weapons of all types, diapers, & baby formula may help you acquire basic necessities you either ran out of or forgot to stock-up.
Photo Credit: Tactical Games
Beyond the Book:
Although "One Second After" is a fictional cautionary tale, it is about a very real & looming threat to our society. Back in 2004 a Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack was created & submitted to the government for consideration. I’m very disheartened to say the United States Government has done very little to heed the warnings or mitigate the hazards outlined in the report.
While its lessons are valuable, it's essential to conduct your own research and tailor your preparations to your specific needs and environment. I have included my Ultimate Preparedness List below as a guide.
Ultimately, EMP preparedness is about taking responsibility for your own survival. It's not about fearmongering, but about empowering yourself to face any challenge. So, take the lessons from "One Second After" to heart, and start building your resilience for the unknown.
Remember, a little preparation today can mean the difference between survival & surrender tomorrow. I highly recommend reading the book to really get a sense of what it may be like to go through an EMP or Coronal Mass Ejection which could cause the same effect.
Until next time my fellow Warriors, stay informed, stay vigilant, Ever Forward!