Netherlands Farm Seizures, by Force if Necessary
Is Your Country Next on the Eco-Chopping Block?
I love Dutch farmers. Their farms were a part of my big backyard for several years. I lived within a two-minute drive to the City of Sittard in the area called Sud Limburg. Two days a week, the city hosted a farmer’s market with the freshest produce & most beautiful flowers I had ever seen.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve started several pieces concerning the subject in my title of this Substack but I didn’t think the timing was just quite right. As more food shortages & threats to our human existence on this planet continue to make headlines, I believe the time is now. What do Netherlands farms have to do with you? Threats to your freedom & way of life.
Netherlands’ Land Grab: Government’s Proposal to Seize Up To 600 Farms Within a Year, by Force if Necessary
Government-appointed mediator Johan Remkes’ most striking proposal was aimed at so-called “peak loaders.” On Wednesday, he called for 500 to 600 companies that are close to Natura 2000 conservation areas and have relatively high nitrogen emissions, especially livestock farms, to close within a year or move – as much as possible through a voluntary buyout but if there is no other option, under duress, NOS reported.
A few days later, Vlaardingerbroek tweeted: “The Dutch government is ramping up the expropriation of our farmers, driving some of them to commit suicide. They’re a bunch of inhumane greedy liars and thieves who created a fake crisis to rob people of their rights and property.” Source: Expose News
Just a quick reminder that farmers in the Netherlands are the reason the country is the number two exporter in the world of agricultural products with a net worth of $85 Billion Euros. Seize the land, oust the farmers, control the food production, control the people. There have been more than a few previous attempts at the Communist collectivization of farming:
Soviet Union - 1927-1933 - 11 million died of famine under Stalin in 1932-1933 alone. Read The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to understand the horrors that occurred with the execution & mass deportation of the Kulak people.
East Germany
China - 30 million died of hunger during the Chinese Famine of 1959. In 2017 a study found 7.4-9.5 million animals were slaughtered & hidden for private consumption to avoid turnover to the state.
North Korea
Sri Lanka - abrupt bans of synthetic fertilizer & pesticide imports lead to the collapse of the nation.
Source: Wikipedia
Children digging up frozen potatoes in the field of a collective farm, Udachne, Donetsk Oblast, 1933. Source: Foreign Affairs
Over 100 years of history have proven Communist collectivization of farming leads to violence, massive waste of resources, famine, & death. List the number of things (aside from law enforcement & military & not all the time) the government does better than human ingenuity & the free market? Umm…f&*k things up?!
The excuse of The Netherlands government for the land grab is nitrogen emissions. Nitrogen is not an enemy. Nitrogen plays a vital role in food production:
Nitrogen is an essential macronutrient for plant function and is a key component of amino acids, which form the building blocks of plant proteins and enzymes. Proteins make up the structural materials of all living matters and enzymes facilitate the vast array of biochemical reactions within a plant. Nitrogen is also a component of the chlorophyll molecule, which enables the plant to capture sunlight energy by photosynthesis, driving plant growth and grain yield.
Nitrogen plays a critical role within the plant to ensure energy is available when and where the plant needs it to optimize yield. This crucial nutrient is even present in the roots as proteins and enzymes help regulate water and nutrient uptake. Plants require ample nitrogen to drive yield. Make sure your nitrogen is protected against loss and is available when crops need it most. Source: Koch
Key the inversion theme I constantly write about. If the government says it’s bad, it’s likely good or even crucial to survival. Never take government’s word at face value.
In addition, the Dutch government wants the land as to fulfill the desires of the World Economic Forum’s G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance on Technology Governance by building a project called Tristate City. The Netherlands is the second country named on the list of G20 cities. Haven’t heard of Tristate City?
…the Dutch government is not seeking to eliminate about a third of its farms for environmental reasons. Instead, it is about the construction of Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending to areas of Germany and Belgium.
To be able to implement this project, which is planned in agreement with the goals of Agenda 2030, expropriations are also planned, he said.
The so-called “nitrogen crisis,” Engel says, is fictional, a purely political issue. No human lives are at stake. All that is at stake, he says, is that some politicians want to reshape Holland’s landscape.
Moreover, the most significant nitrogen emissions are not caused by agriculture but by industry. However, this is not being targeted by those responsible. Source: Times Online
In a project led by institutional investors initially presented in 2016, the Tristate City will be comprised of sections of the Netherlands, Belgium, & Germany which currently encompasses a population of 45 million. We cannot overlook this connection between the establishment of Tristate City with the World Economic Forum’s “Global Future Council on Cities of Tomorrow” & the development of “smart cities”.
The land mass of the Tristate City would incorporate all of The Netherlands at 16,040 square miles, Flanders at 5,261 square miles, and North Rhine-Westphalia at 13,165 square miles for a total of 34,466 square miles. A good portion of which, is some of the most productive farmland in the world.
Peter Savelberg en Partners call Tristate City both a vision & a tool. “By treating the Netherlands as an urbanized delta with 17 million inhabitants, the project’s supporters say it is creating a solid player in this ‘battle of the titans.’ ‘Our city marketing is too fragmented and inefficient” Source: Dutch News
The Tristate City markets itself as a package deal to attract investors & bring more attention to the area often outshined by other metropolis’. Savelberg modeled Tristate City after being inspired by a visit to China.
In a 2016 thesis by Rianne de Reus, interviews with eight parties involved with planning Tristate City to include the Peter Savelberg were conducted. When Rianne de Reus inquired as to the government’s role in the project, she received this response:
“As far as the government is concerned, even though involving them in further development of the project may slow down the processes, it provides the opportunity to complete implement TristateCity in the policies and strategies pursued by both governmental organisations and the private sector. However, and Wendy Verschoor also stresses this, it is important to get the right people involved: not necessarily the ministers. It would be better to ask influential bureaucrats to join the conversation, as they have the ability to focus more on long term projects.” Source: Tristate City Thesis
Note the last sentence. Rianne de Reus’ thesis was written in November of 2016. Six years is plenty of time to get this plan on the World Economic Forum’s list of Future Cities of Tomorrow. With Klaus Schwab touting the pandemic as a “unique opportunity for a great reset” with a follow-through of climate change initiatives, the world has forever been altered. The pandemic initiated the world into lockdowns, mandates, curfews, & restrictions of freedoms like we have never seen before. Origins of the aforementioned came from global letter organizations (WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA, IMF, WEF, etc.) of which the members have not been elected by the people. These so-called leaders often had zero experience or training in the dictates they were demanding the world follow. My point in this instance, is they wanted to see how compliant the people were. It was an experiment to see what they could get away with. The Dutch government blaming the farming industry as a major source of pollution is an excuse to shut it down & reappropriate the land so it could be put to “better, sustainable use”.
So what does this have to do with you if you’re an American? There are American cities on the World Economic Forum’s “pioneer cities that have been adopting the roadmap and guiding its development toward smart city governance” list; Dallas-Texas, Chattanooga-Tennessee, Pittsburgh-Pennsylvania, & San Jose-California. Source: WEF Control the land, control the cities, control the food, control the people.
In addition, the USDA has begin encouraging Americans to register their gardens.
Photo Credit: USDA
How to Register
To learn more about People’s Garden or to register one, visit the People’s Garden webpage at The location and information on each garden will be displayed on a map. USDA will send a “People’s Garden” sign to each garden and invite continued engagement through photos and information sharing. Gardens on federal property, such as USDA offices, are required to donate produce. We invite these gardens to report how much is being donated.
To be eligible, gardens:
Benefit the community by providing food, green space, wildlife habitat, education space.
Are a collaborative effort. This can include groups working together with USDA agencies, food banks, after school programs, Girl Scouts, Master Gardeners, conservation districts, etc.
Incorporate conservation management practices, such as using native plant species, rain barrels, integrated pest management, xeriscaping.
Educate the public about sustainable gardening practices and the importance of local, diverse, and resilient food systems providing healthy food for the community.
New gardens will join the People’s Garden at USDA headquarters in Washington, D.C. and 17 other flagship gardens established earlier this year.
More Information
The People’s Garden Initiative is part of USDA’s broader efforts to advance equity, support local and regional food systems and access to food, and encourage use of conservation and climate-smart practices. Source: USDA
Read between the lines. People’s Collectivist Garden. Gardens on Federal property are REQUIRED to donate produce. Advance EQUITY. Climate-smart. So let’s say a person/organization thinks this is a great idea. What if the USDA decides on the basis of ‘equity’ your garden is yielding way more produce than other gardens in the area? Will the USDA commandeer your production & redistribute it the way THEY see fit? What if the USDA inspects your registered garden & decides your conservation & climate-smart practices aren’t good enough? Do they commandeer your garden because the government can run it better? What if the USDA declares your garden Federal Property? This is a slippery slope.
Our neighbors to the north in Canada will be facing farming climate change sanctions targets under Trudeau.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday (October 18, 2022) he will guarantee that Canada is going to meet its latest climate target, because this time it's accompanied by a plan that shows how to get there.
Since 1988, Canada has set its sights on eight different greenhouse gas emissions targets. Six of them have come and gone, and Canada never came anywhere close to meeting them.
The next target is set for 2030, and requires Canada to get emissions to 55 to 60 per cent of what they were in 2005. That's a more-ambitious version of a previous target the Trudeau government set when it came into power. Source: CTV News
In a separate article - “It's possible to reduce the Canadian agriculture industry's greenhouse gas emissions from nitrogen fertilizer by 14 per cent without risking food security, according to a new report, but the government's 30 per cent target is “unrealistic.” Source: CTV News
They all have ‘a plan’. The plan is to create impossible, unrealistic, vague goals to increase government power & line the pockets of the politicians, lobbyists, & Davos crowd, all at your expense of course. The expense of your wages & savings through taxes & inflation. The expense of your ability to provide for your family. The expense of your freedom to pursue your business. They want you to rely on them for EVERYTHING. The restrictions of the ‘pandemic’ were a test run to see what they could get away with. The precedent has been set. What are you going to do about it?
Warriors search for truth & arm themselves with knowledge. Warriors cannot stop there however, preparation for what is to come is critical. Preparation includes the following:
Become as self-sufficient as possible - stock-up on food, hygiene, & medical supplies (I will be creating a checklist in a future Substack-Stay tuned). Grow what you can (&/or buy Heirloom seeds for later use), buy what you cannot & preserve it well.
Have some cash outside the bank - fiat cash, silver, & gold. Protect yourself against PayPal or government seizure of accounts because you may have said the wrong thing on Instagram. Always have tools of barter in case an EMP or natural disaster wipe out the banking system. Many couldn’t buy gas or food after Hurricane Katrina or Ian wiped out various networks. Plan for a 30-day emergency fund at a minimum.
Become as fit as possible - having a strong body & immune system can help you endure almost any challenge. What if your home gets destroyed & you have to walk 20 miles for the next sign of humanity? What if you or a loved one are covered in heavy debris? What if the ‘next pandemic’ like the virus with an 80% kill rate they’re developing at Boston University, gets leaked? I cannot emphasize enough how important your health & fitness will be to your survival. Invest at least 30-minutes each day in some kind of physical activity at a minimum.
Mental health is important too - being prepared with knowledge, supplies, & overall health will help you keep calm in chaos. Take care of things that may cause you anxiety during a disaster in advance by planning out different scenarios & action strategies with your family.
Build a community - develop an inner-circle of people with different skill sets that you trust. This may take awhile & it may start online at first. Get to know farmers at your local farmer’s markets. Talk with managers at your local grocery store. These people may lend valuable insights before it becomes common knowledge &/or be a source of barter/collaboration when the SHTF scenario strikes.
Stand up for freedom & resist (peacefully) - to infringements of your rights. Let your voice be heard. Remember this quote from Samuel Adams:
Stay vigilant, stay strong, be prepared. Until next time, Ever Forward!
I like that you introduced the threat, explained the threat, added some predictable outcomes and then offered some real world preparedness ideas. There’s nothing worse then feeling lost in fear without any outlets to do anything about it. All of your suggestions are good no matter if the threat comes to fruition or if it passes. I shared on VivaBarnesLaw on Locals and hope your article gets a lot of looks.
Great article!